Principal's Message

Dear Students & Parents,
"Education turns mirrors into Windows" "Jai Public School continues with its relentless march to conquer new horizons. Nothing is static, Life moves on and with each passing day we gather new experiences which enrich our lives , We set before us new goals each year and our quest for excellence which enrich our lives.We set before us new goals each year and our quest for execellence leads us on . Here at Jai public School the global trends in education have been seasoned with the magic touch of quality. I believe that globalization is the only hope for peace and harmony in this world. Due to unprecedented advancement and innovation in science & Technology, the world has shrunken and become a global village. The core teaching of all religions is that the whole world is a family , ,vasudhaiva kutumbakam , and all of us are brothers and sisters. The purpose of education is also the same. It is simply the soul of the society as it passes from generation to generation . It leads to women's empowerment and elimination of social ills like child labour,fema;le foeticide and dalit exploitation . So it is the role of teachers to imbibe the value of humanity in the students.

"Awake and stop not till goal is reached"